The Ivory Swing

Cover The Ivory Swing
Genres: Fiction
In the tank itself more bodies, hidden by the murky water from the waist down, washed their sole garments while taking their ritual baths. Streamers of cotton cloth from unravelled dhotis and lungis floated on the water, their wearers pounding and scrubbing them inch by inch. Then, in the privacy of the opaque tank water, they wrapped themselves again in the garments and came out onto the steps to dry in the sun.
“Do we need to bathe here also?” David asked.
“No, no!” Shivaraman Nair was offend
...ed. “This is for people not having family tanks or modern bathroom in house.”
They continued past the tank, past the booths of the trinket sellers and flower sellers, towards the towering gopuram of the main east gates of Shree Padmanabhaswamy temple. Shree Padmanabha: He with the Lotus Navel. Vishnu.
Anand was waiting for them at the top of the steps. As they ascended towards him, two temple guards advanced and barred David’s way with crossed axes of the curved and hooked medieval variety.

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