The Illustrated Mum (1999)

Cover The Illustrated Mum
The Illustrated Mum
Jacqueline Wilson
Genres: Fiction
I tried scrubbing at her with a washcloth but she started screaming. I hung on her ghostly arm and tried to pull her to bed but she stood rigidly, her white feet tensed on the cold linoleum tiles as if they'd taken root. I was scared to leave her by herself as I had no idea what she'd do next. I eventually emptied the bath, dried it with her towel and then curled up inside it with my head on my own towel. It was like being in an iron cradle and I didn't see how I could ever sleep, with my mad m...other palely luminous in the dark. I dozed off when it was starting to get light and then woke with a start, banging my head against the tap. She was still there, swaying slightly, her eyes closed.
She opened her eyes. They looked glazed.
“Marigold, please.” I struggled out of the bath and took hold of her white shoulders. “Are you asleep?”
Her eyes blinked but she didn't focus on me.
“Let's get it all off you now,” I said.
It looked much worse in the daylight. Even her eyelashes were painted like snowy mascara and there were swirls of it inside the delicate skin of her ear.

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Guest 5 months ago

I think this is one of my favourite books by Jacqueline Wilson. I lost the copy I had and found this!

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