The Hockey Sweater And Other Stories (1979)

Cover The Hockey Sweater And Other Stories
Genres: Fiction
Some had gone very far. I remember hearing the story of a man who had gone to the place where the sky meets the earth: he’d had to bend down so he wouldn’t bump his head against the sky. The man had suddenly felt lonely and he’d written to his wife. The stamp cost a thousand dollars. Some people had gone to New York; another visited a brother in Montana; my grandfather had sailed on the Atlantic Ocean; a family had migrated to Saskatchewan; and men went to cut timber in the forests of Maine or ...Abitibi. When these people came home in their new clothes, even the trees on the main street were a little envious of the travellers.
And there were those who had never gone away. Like old Herménégilde. He was so old he’d seen the first house being built in our village. He was old, but his mustache was still completely black. It was a huge mustache that hid his nose, his mouth and his chin. I can still see old Herménégilde’s mustache like a big black cloud over our village. Our parents used to say of him that he was healthy as a horse; all the storms of life had been unable to bend his upright, solid pride.

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