The Hit Man

Cover The Hit Man
As much as I hated to leave her, I do some of my best work late at night. I wanted to know why that dirt bag had been so intent on getting into Laura’s office, and I damn sure wanted to know who had sent him. I suspected that it was her ex-husband, but suspecting and knowing are two different things. In my line of work, even though I go by instinct, I deal in facts.
    It had been easy enough to find the guy because it’s what I do for a living. Hell, by the time I’d finished researching him, I had the guy’s birth certificate and social security number. I made my way out to my SUV and headed out to the suburban neighborhood. The quicker that I got this done, the quicker I could get back to my little vixen laying in the warm bed where I had left her. My cock jumped at the thought. It never failed, anytime I thought of my girl, my body responded. I’ve never had a woman effect me like this before.
    I had every intention of taking her away to the private island I was in the process of
The Hit Man
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