The High Graders (1965)

Cover The High Graders (1965)
Genres: Fiction
Chapter 10 Hoyt wore two six-shooters, and a third wa s thrust into his waistband. In his hands was a Col t revolving shotgun.
He said not a word. He just stood there, lettin g them see him, letting them count the odds for themselves.
Every man there knew they could ride him down: the questio n was, who was to die in the process? How man y shots could he get off before he went down?
The range was point-blank, and just enough to get a fair spread on his shot; they would be slugs , heavy enough to kill a man. If he could get of f two shots he could empty three to six saddle s at that range; and he might get out of the way an d keep shooting.
Mike Shevlin, watching from the darkness, kne w how they felt. Of the forty or so men out there, onl y two or three might die, but which ones?
Wilson Hoyt spoke suddenly, quietly , and he showed his shrewdness in not even glancing towar d Ray Hollister. Hollister was the sort that woul d feel he had to prove himself, no matter who go t killed; so Ho deliberately threw th e responsibility to another.MoreLess
The High Graders (1965)
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Guest 2 years ago

Stupid is as stupid does. He came there to find who killed his old friend Eli, and now is philosophizing in the good old L'Amour style about wondering if it's right to destroy the prosperity of a thieving town by finding the killer, and also finding who is stealing the gold from Eli's niece's mine..

Stupid is as stupid WRITES.

Guest 8 months ago

I agree 100%. Pseudo philosophy and rambling partly untrue historical crap . for instance we constantly find illiterate cowboys, and I mean can't read or write, will suddenly go off into tales about DeSoto in 1521 or Pizzaro in 1499 when he was not there until 20 years later. This would be about 300+ years afterwards. Even Ponce De Leon , who was a couple of thousand miles away from the speaker.

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