The Great Wide Sea (2010)

Cover The Great Wide Sea
The Great Wide Sea
M.H. Herlong
Genres: Fiction
I kept thinking he would look at us all of a sudden and say, “Hey! What happened? Why are we here?” But it didn’t happen that way. Just as he had said we would, we left Marathon in the early afternoon and sailed east, south of the Keys and out of sight of land. All around us was nothing but ocean, ocean, and more ocean. Florida was a few miles north on our port side. Cuba was a hundred miles to starboard. The high summer sun was slowly curving down toward Mexico behind us.
Ahead lay hundreds of
... islands, the Bahamas. We were pointing our boat toward Bimini, an island smaller than the lake at home. I sat in the cockpit, feeling the swells carry us rhythmically up and down and thinking maybe Bimini would be impossible to find even with Dad’s fancy new navigation tools. I thought maybe I didn’t really care, and if we were lucky, we’d keep right on sailing until we fell off the edge of the earth.
I shifted on my cushion and saw Dylan sitting on the port side, hanging his legs over the edge, trying to catch his bare toes in the foam that curled up the side of the hull.

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