The Goblin Corps

Cover The Goblin Corps
Genres: Fiction
Enormous slabs of black stone offered the structure its support, protecting those within from the elements. Across every inch of exterior stone, however, lay a latticework of black iron, filigreed into thousands, perhaps millions, of abstract designs and eldritch runes. Sometimes rain pounded upon the echoing metal; sometimes the lightning flashed, drawn from the clouds to the tips of the iron towers like a kobold to a merchant’s purse. But always, always the winds shrieked as they wove through... those tiny, uncountable hollows.
    That, however, was the outside. Within the halls of the Iron Keep, silence reigned. Oh, there was movement aplenty, activity enough to put an anthill to shame, but it swirled and scurried in a constant, impossible hush. Seneschals—some living, some dead, and some to whom the question simply didn’t apply—dashed to and fro as rapidly as the dignity of their office would permit. Messages were delivered, papers passed along to others, orders given, but no superfluous words, no casual conversations, were ever exchanged.

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