The Giver (The Giver Quartet #1)

Cover The Giver (The Giver Quartet #1)

This is the second time I\'ve read the book, and it is still really good on the re-read. I feel I remembered most of what had happened, but this time around, I was fully able to understand the world Lois Lowry built and the lesson she was trying to convey. The book is relatively short, but it is pack full of meaning and is though-provoking.\n\nJonah lives in a world where you are not given choices to things like your spouse, your profession, or anything remotely important. Anything that could distinguish one person from another has been eliminated and locked away by way of the Sameness. It was done in order to protect people from pain, suffering, mistakes, and disorder. No one has true memories of happiness, anger, sadness, or pain with the exception of the Receiver of Memories, who holds all memories from past generations of what life used to be like - full of color, full of love, full of choices, full of pain, and full of uncertainty. Chosen as the new Receiver, Jonah begins to learn


what life used to be like, and what life could be like -- not the one he lives in now without feelings and without pleasure. With these memories, it is hard for Jonah to ignore the deficiencies and costs of the society around him. People around him follow the rules of society without ever thinking or considering if it is the best way to live. It makes Jonah question everything around him.

The Giver (The Giver Quartet #1)
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Guest 4 years ago

I am finding myself wondering if the music and the singing at the end of the Giver was not real and that Jonas and Gabriel actually died and went to heaven.

Guest 6 years ago

This book is really good I just wish it wouldn't end on such a cliffhanger

Guest 6 years ago

No it’s stupid

Guest 6 years ago

So far this book is really good.

Guest 6 years ago

That is the best book in all books

Guest 6 years ago

wow DM's

Guest 6 years ago

I like the part when Jonas died

Guest 6 years ago

Jonas didn’t die. He just went to the Elsewhere but not to the heaven, duh

Guest 6 years ago

That’s mean
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Guest 6 years ago

Lois Lowry is the type of dude to name her son "Alex" but spell it "Alix".

Guest 6 years ago

This book is bad. The plot doesn't make any sense, and is only introduced in the last three chapters. Spoilers
Jonas' seeing beyond is that he can see colors
Jonas stops taking his pills
Gabe can receive memories
Release is death
Jonas´ dad is probably a psychopath, example; he kills a baby, throws him down a trash chute and says bye-bye in a baby talking voice.
The givers daughter was the last receiver and she also killed herself
They think that going to elsewhere would free the memories
The receiver can "hear beyond" which is literally just music
Gabe is going to get killed
Jonas brings Gabe with to elsewhere
They obviously make it to elsewhere and it frees the memories

Guest 6 years ago

Ahhhh... wow

Guest 6 years ago

half that is not true also spoilers dont ruin the book for others just cause you dont like it doesnt mena we wont

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Guest 6 years ago

worst book ever you bloody cunt go eat some fish and crackers with a side of doritos you

Guest 6 years ago

WTH ? This book is okay, come on. Read the book called Divergent.

Guest 6 years ago

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