The Gardeners Kalendar Or Monthly Directory of Operations in Every Branch of

Cover The Gardeners Kalendar Or Monthly Directory of Operations in Every Branch of
Genres: Nonfiction

THE GARDENERS CALENDAR OF OPERATIONS IN EVERY BRANCH HORTICULTURE - PREFATORY - VIEW OF THE W 0 RK. - LA KALENDAR as , being a Book of Refer.-ence, is allo ved to be the most useful form . in whieh to pblisll a system of Gardening . O considered either with regard to the usual di visions of work, or of time. - The history or - culture of piants, no doubt, may be as concisely and completely detailed, taken individually, by a Catalogue, or a Dictionary but the Kalendar has this particular advantage over every other book, that it exhibits, at a glance, the business or duty of the Gardener at every moment. The usual manner in which Kalendars have hitherto been drawn upon, is deviated from in this TVwk. The various branches of gardening, in all that have as yet appeared, are not separated, but carried, together, through Y the whole month and year nor have I observed, in any of them, such a thing as an alphabetical arrangement of the plants treat ed of, in any department of the garden or tha


t in any department as for instance, the Kitchen Garden, the different articles have been classed which, of course, occasions considerable perplexity. I11 order to obviate.. these defects, and to simplify the. book, I have divided it into di- . stinct Gardens in each , of which the articles . are classed, and nlphabetically arranged, at - least as far as the nature of the thing mill ad mit. To eachrof these Gardens, too, are prefixed an-Introduction, and preliminary sec tions on various important subjects, immediately connected with them which, it is presumed, will have the effect of rendering the mork still more clear. and distinct. The Ctilinary . Garden, ns being the mosh important branch, takes - preference of . the others. The Kalendar, in this divisiou, is preceded by a disseitatidn on Situations for Iiitclien Gardens on Soils, and the various methods of improving them on BIani res,-and. their application and on th6 Rotation of Crops. These irnpoiti. int matters I. cadea vour to discuss in a short and peispicnous manner and in the Kalendar,-to exhibit the newest and most approved methods of culti vating and bringing to early perfection, all kinds of Culinary Vegetablis, Sallads, and Herbs b and of storing and preserving tllem for winter use. In the Fruit Garden, the ICalendar is preceded by observations on the construction of Garden-Walls the formation and Improvement of Fruit-borders on Situations and Soils for Orchards the proper kinds, with descriptions, of Fruits for Walls, Espaliers, and Orchards, and the - aspects in which they should be planted and on the proper kinds, ... Q arrangement, and manner of planting Small Fruits. It then sets forth the metllods of Planting,. Pruning, Training, and otherwise cultivating, all kinds of Wall, Espalier, and Orchard Fruits Currants, Gooseberries, Rasp berries, and Strawberries with effectual-me thods of destroying the various insects that. infest fruit-trees and bushes the renovating 0 of stinted or . worn , out wall and orchard trees and with the manner of thinning, gathering, l and storing all Binds of fruits. To he Fo ci zg Garden, the reader is introduced by observations on the rapid extension of that elegant department,...

The Gardeners Kalendar Or Monthly Directory of Operations in Every Branch of
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