The Forgotten Man, And Other Essays

Cover The Forgotten Man, And Other Essays
The Forgotten Man, And Other Essays
William Graham Sumner

The Index covers the four published volumes of the author's essays Preface.--Protectionism, the -ism which teaches that waste makes wealth (1885)--Tariff reform (1888)--What is free trade? (1886)--Protectionism twenty years after (1906)--Prosperity strangled by gold (1896)--Cause and cure of hard times (1896)--The free-coinage scheme is impracticable at every point (1896)--The delusion of the debtors (1896)--The crime of 1873 (1896)--A concurrent circulation of gold and silver (1878)--The influe


nce of commercial crises on opinions about economic doctrines (1879)--The philosophy of strikes (1883)--Strikes and the industrial organization (1887)--Trusts and trade-unions (1888)--An old "trust" (1889)--Shall Americans own ships? (1881)--Politics in America, 1776-1876 (1876)--The administration of Andrew Jackson (1880)--The commercial crisis of 1837 (1877 or 1878)--The science of sociology (1882)--Integrity in education.--Discipline --The coöperative commonwealth.--The forgotten man (1883)--Bibliography (p. [497]-518)--Index Rare Annex copy 2: Gift in memory of Mary Stephens Sherman from John H. Sherman


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