The First Love Cookie Club

Cover The First Love Cookie Club
Genres: Fiction
“Thank you,” he whispered into her ear and then softly kissed her forehead.
“What for?” she asked, combing her fingers through the dark hairs on his forearm.
“For being you.”
“I am who I am; it’s not something you have to thank me for,” she said, feeling wildly pleased. Sarah couldn’t get enough of looking at him, charmed by the happily-ever-after fairy tale of having this handsomely naked man in bed with her.
Whoa, don’t get ahead of yourself. No one’s said anything about what comes after this
Still, she couldn’t stop the joy from wriggling through her. She clasped the moment to her breasts, held it close, savored it.
From where they lay, cuddled together under a pile of quilts, they could see out the large plate-glass window. Light from a full moon reflected off the icy wonderland outside. Everything was frozen. The grass, brittle and crunchy, the bare-limbed trees reaching up like bony ghost fingers toward the dark broody sky, the power line wires heavy with blue-white icicles.

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