The First Battle

Cover The First Battle
Genres: Fiction

First off, I must say the cover art is simple breathtaking. The contents are keeping with the beauty and do not disappoint. The series really begins to pick up and the characters now become very real. You can really get into their thoughts thanks to the italic descriptions and can begin to relate, or at least see the reasoning, behind each main character. I really enjoy Tall Shadow's progression as well as the internal battles Thunder faces. The battle and action scenes are well written and flow


nicely when read.


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Guest 5 years ago

I hate Clear Sky so much he's from the devil
I want him to die instead of Turtle Tail she was a great cat I loved her

Guest 5 years ago

So sad. I can't believe Bright Stream died. I know it was two books ago but like I can't believe that when all the cats came back to life, first of all Fluttering Bird wasn't there but what bothered me was that Clear Sky was like, O my gosh Storm its you! but he didn't even say hi to Bright Stream.

Guest 5 years ago

ember kit nooooo you can't no ember kit come back no poor wind runner and gorse fur they lost a kit , but wind runner that doesn't give you the right to talk to grey wing like that he's just tring to help you feel better you cursed him a now turtle tail is dead it's not your fault it's a little fuck face tom's fault but still who dare you

Guest 5 years ago


Guest 5 years ago

i'm the same person from the last coment so one "moor" question how did falling feather and lighting tail kill each other???

Guest 5 years ago

haha puns wait SANS IS THAT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guest 5 years ago

i think it's a great book! But it's very sad:( and WHY DID TURTLE TAIL HAVE TO DIE like why turtle tail she was a awesome cat , but then BLAM they find dead on the ( is not allowed to curse) road WHY but other than that it was great!! oh and btw why the hell was falling feather defending the asshole (clear sky) the same cat that called her lower then pray COME ON!!!!!!! that stuff's messed up (once again not allowed to curse) ok i'm done happy halloween everyone hope liked the book as much as i did ;)

Guest 6 years ago

The saddest chapter is chapter 20! The last part is too sad. I cried. Gray Wing is so strong and Clear Sky is protective... Like with Fluttering Bird.

Guest 5 years ago

DJ Wolfy is my OC by the way I use her a lot like A LOT...
hope you guy like her when she's public :) sorry that has nothing to do with this AWESOME book series

Guest 5 years ago

true (that is if chapter 20 is the chapter where turtle tail and/or ember kit died) and by the way yes Grey wing is strong you got that right but clear sky no you got him quite wrong he is a sinner a asshole from hell but really tom (in my own personal opinion) is much much worse then clear sky okay I'm done :) DJ Wolfy out *drops mic and runs away on fours*

Guest 6 years ago

Stoneteller sent the cats to find good hunting and shelter... Not seperate and become war enemies. :(

Guest 6 years ago

This book is good. Thunder is cute, but now he is a big boy and wants to have friends. Clear Sky is a meanie, but Gray Wing is LiT FaM.

Guest 6 years ago

They should upload Warriors-Midnight. It's for my project and I can't find that book.

Guest 6 years ago

It’s a great book I would recommend it to everyone else. I think that no matter what warriors will always be my favorite bookseries

Guest 5 years ago

ya can't say that unless you have read all the book series and I'm pretty sure you haven't yet and yes you forgot the space between book and series sorry just had point that out
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