The Father of Us All: War And History, Ancient And Modern

Cover The Father of Us All: War And History, Ancient And Modern
Genres: Fiction
When high-tech is not always so high* Cycles of Military Innovation IF THE PRINCIPLES of war stay the same across the centuries, one reason that we of the present age sometimes doubt such continuity is the recent radical change in military technology, especially given the twenty-first-century advances in informational science and its applications. We forget sometimes that transformation in arms has always been a hallmark of warfare, even if not as radical as what we have witnessed in the past h...alf century. As a rule, militaries usually begin wars confident in their existing weapons and technology. But if they are to finish them successfully, it is often only by radically changing designs or finding entirely new ones. The Union military started the Civil War with muskets and cannonballs but ended it using bullet-firing repeating rifles and explosive artillery charges that were superior to those employed by the Confederacy. Ironclads, observation balloons, rubberized ponchos, canned meats, and elaborate telegraphic communications were birthed during the war—many of these inventions enriching peacetime America for decades.MoreLess

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