The Dunwich Romance

Cover The Dunwich Romance
Genres: Fiction
All out of sorts she wuz, thinkin I got burnt up in the Fires. Its funny how things can go so everlivin good and be so bollixed up at the same tyme. Never heard Them speak so clear to me in the passt, and never afore has the manner of my chants work so perfect. I know it be over all this time that the doodads up in my throat that makes for speaking have got well-prackticed and can reech out to the Old Ones far better than any man who be full human and know the same Rites as me. Grandsire tolt m...e this wud happen, and durn if he warnt right. But of corse with good news there offen be bad, and this be—as Grandfather used to say, I think—“No ‘ception to the rool.” Earlier I open the house door and go and see that One inside after making the Voorish, and it has got so big it can’t barely fit all the way in there. It know now it be eating too mutch, which be why it got too big, but I know it is my fault this happened. I shud’ve payd more attention, I didnt calclate things right.MoreLess

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