The Dragon Circle

Cover The Dragon Circle
The Dragon Circle
Irene Radford
Genres: Fiction
Konner asked. ‘He and his party lay flat in the tall grasses one hundred meters from the first parked lander. The second lander lay two klicks west and out of sight. Dalleena had led them to this spot without hesitation and without error.
“Pilot and copilot, both armed, and a sentry, probably a corporal armed to the teeth and capable of killing you with one hand tied behind his back and both feet in shackles,” Duggan replied.
“I thought IMPs weren’t allowed to kill anyone,” Kim muttered.
“Marin are trained to the extreme. Have to know how to kill in order to disable. At least that’s the theory. A lot of bushies go into the Marines. Their viewpoint is slightly askew of standard GTE.” Duggan grinned sideways.
The sentry emerged from behind the lander, making a circuit of the craft, rifle at the ready, two pistols holstered at his hips, a knife in his belt and another in his boot. He scanned every sector warily.
Konner kept his head down, hardly daring to breathe. The sentry returned his gaze and his rifle aim to their direction several times before moving on to the front of the lander.

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