The Devil's Dream

Cover The Devil's Dream
The Devil's Dream
Smith, Lee S
Genres: Fiction
Don’t know to this day! But she had ever chance for happiness, ever chance in the world, mind you, which it is not given to all of us to have, and stomped ever one of them chances down in the dirt like a bug. It seemed that Nonnie was bent on destruction, from the womb.
Why, the very first thing she ever done was kill Mamma!
I will not forget that night as long as ever I live. It was a cold snowy night in the middle of wintertime. Old Granny Horn had been with us going on a week, Daddy had went
... up her holler to fetch her when it commenced to snowing so bad, so she’d be here when it come Mamma’s time. Now it had snowed to where you could not even see the boxwood bush by the front steps, nor that big huge rock there by the gate, nor yet the gate itself nor the fence neither. The snow had blowed hither and you to where it had covered up what ought to have been, and made new hills and valleys all around.
I stood on the porch looking out, as I recall, while Mamma moaned inside of the house and Daddy chopped wood out back even though it was the middle of the night.

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