The Defence of the Realm

Cover The Defence of the Realm
Genres: Fiction
Masterman later listed seven main aims which the double agents were intended to serve: (1)  To control the enemy [espionage] system, or as much of it as we could get our hands on (2)  To catch fresh spies when they appeared (3)  To gain knowledge of personalities and methods of the German Secret Service (4)  To obtain information about the code and cypher work of the German Service (5)  To get evidence of enemy plans and intentions from the questions asked by them (6)  To influence enemy plans the answers sent to the enemy [by the double agents] (7)  To deceive the enemy about our plans and intentions.1 It was not until the summer of 1942 that the Twenty Committee began to make its priority strategic deception (the deception of the enemy high command, not merely of its forces in the field). Tar Robertson informed the W Board on 15 July: It is reasonably certain that the only network of agents possessed by the Germans in this country is that which is now under the control of the Security Service .MoreLess

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