The Daylight War

Cover The Daylight War
Genres: Fiction » Fantasy
arechigah says:
I'm enjoying this series. Brett has done a lot of world building, and there are many intricate details here. The characters are flawed individuals, no one is perfect or even really close. I do like that the two main opposing forces (of humans, anyway) both have reasons for what they do.That said, there were a few bits I didn't care for here. We get a lot of background for Innerva, and I'm not sure we needed it. Seeing scenes retold from her point of view I'm not sure added a lot,
...and I don't care that much about her growing up.I found Leesha a bit irritating at times, but I understand why she's doing what she is. She's a very complex character, and has a lot on her shoulders.I don't really like the ruthlessness of the Southerners, especially when interspersed with so much contradiction. Ahman is a man of honor... who stole from his best friend and tried to kill him twice. They seem to twist their beliefs to justify whatever they want to do.And I'm disappointed in Arlen. There's a major war with the demons coming, and the actions he takes near the end of the book don't really help on that front. I'd think there would be other ways to handle things, and he doesn't manage to find any of them.And, personal taste, I'd like a few less "fantasy" series out there that seem to set in our world after society collapses. It all is starting to seem like a LOT of current authors played too much Gamma World when younger. Overall great series, recommended to fans of fantasy. Despite my quibbles above, I'm liking this a lot and looking forward to reading more.
jojo0103 says:
Not a ton of complaints. Compared to the others in the series, this book seems somewhat uneventful (it is definitely a plot progression book), but it doesn't get terribly boring.The big complaint is that the series has slowly drifted away from the fantasy genre. This book is better classified as a borderline pornographic romance novel with a nod to fantasy. Seriously, this is like 50 shades of grey with magic and demons. And I thought the second book was bad in this regard. Dot get me wrong, romance is a critical element of any well rounded fantasy story to me. It is the one thing I felt was lacking in Lord of the Rings. However, it becomes detrimental to the story when the author seemingly puts more effort into graphically describing a sexual encounter of a main character every third chapter than anything else. If he would put some of that effort towards including some comedic relief, it would make a huge difference.That being said, I'll still give the rest of the series a go. It is still far from unredeemable. But in order for me to keep it for my collection rather than take it right to my used bookstore upon finishing, the series really needs to get off of the path on which it currently treads.

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