The Crystal Chalice (Book 1)

Cover The Crystal Chalice (Book 1)
Genres: Fiction
It was a wide, shallow river, clattering its way cheerfully between rounded, grey boulders that glistened with quartz. Its clear waters mirrored the trees that hung over it just for the sheer pleasure of looking at their own reflection. Sometimes a beech, growing at some improbable angle from the bank, would stoop down to touch the crystal waters with trailing fingers. Kingfishers flashed turquoise across the surface, and dippers, perched on the rounded stones, would bob up and down, flashing t...heir white throats, apparently just for the joy of seeing the sunlit day. Celedorn was reassured by their presence, for they were wary little birds that would disappear in a flash if all was not well. The river halted their northward path and they now turned westwards following its course to the sea.
 Elorin found its noisy, chattering presence a cheerful companion but Celedorn was more equivocal because it robbed him of a sense upon which he heavily relied - his sense of hearing. Elorin teased him about it but he shook his head abruptly, refusing to be beguiled.

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