The Cotton Queen

Cover The Cotton Queen
Genres: Fiction
However, you shouldn’t be picturing me in some child-labor sweatshop hunched over a sewing machine. Aunt Maxine hired me to help out Uncle Warren at the shoe shop. Two years after his stroke, he was still not completely recovered. He leaned heavily on a cane and dragged his right foot wherever he went. He didn’t go that many places. Aunt Maxine drove him to the shoe shop in the morning and he stayed there all day. In these last years of his life, he lived as he had early on, all by himself, rep...airing shoes in a tiny shop.
    Aunt Maxine had taken on all the other businesses. With the help of the twins and what seemed to be a natural gift for organization, she had taken up the challenge of being the breadwinner and run with it. She hired competent people, paid them a little more than they’d get elsewhere and expected a lot from them. Surprisingly she usually got it.
    She never asked her boys to come home and help. Pete graduated from North Texas and got a job at Texas Instruments in Sherman.

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