The Cinderella Pact

Cover The Cinderella Pact
The Cinderella Pact
Sarah Strohmeyer
Genres: Fiction
 Belinda: It’s been ages and I’ve heard nothing from you. Not a peep. Not a moan. Not even a shot heard ’round the world fired from Balmoral. (How is dear Prince Charlie and his lovely wife, What’s-Her-Horse?) Evil rumors are swirling at Sass! that you have gone AWOL or that, perhaps, you never existed to begin with. But of course you exist, darling, as you and I have been in correspondence, though, true, not lately.
You should know that I have been extending myself above and beyond for your ed
...itor/ friend Nola Devlin, racking up as many frequent lover points as I can in order to see you.
First I helped her secure Barnard Hall for her sister’s wedding, then I introduced her to Final Draft, a software program used to write screenplays. Now I’ve been giving her screenplay tips during her early morning exercises. She’s become quite a fanatic and is not nearly the cow she used to be. Unfortunately, the strict Miss Devlin insists I join her, though running definitely cuts into my coffee and ciggy time.

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