The Boy in the Black Suit

Cover The Boy in the Black Suit
Genres: Fiction
THAT WAS MY bedtime song after my Mom died. It was like Tupac was singing—well, rapping—some kind of ghetto lullaby to me. I laid on my back with my earbuds in and that song on repeat, staring up into the darkness, imagining there was no ceiling, or roof, or clouds, until there really was no ceiling or walls, and I was no longer in my small bedroom, but instead in some strange dream. The kind where you swear it’s real because everything looks real, and feels real, and you don’t even remember falling asleep.
    In the dream I was at a church, the same church my mom’s funeral was in, except this time the air conditioner was cranking. The same people were there. The greasy preacher. Ms. Wallace, my mom’s co-worker. The same usher women with their ashy-looking stockings and white shoes. But my mother wasn’t in the casket. Instead she was sitting on my left, with her arm around me and her face smushed against mine. In the dream, even though the casket was empty, everyone was crying.

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Guest 3 years ago

The boy in the black suit the youngman mother had been he lay back on the bed he began to feel strange.Thinking abou hiis mom nodoubt .he began to hear music like twopa the rapper As he fell deep into his dream he was at the church where his mom was funeralized.The only thing his mom was not in the casket .The usher was and the old greasy preacher was they was crying but his mom was not dead .She was sitting beside him.Whar strange situation because the casket was empty

Guest 3 years ago

i really enjoyed reading the book i began to learn a lot of things little bit at a time i will soon get there jaydan friday

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