The book of Lies

Cover The book of Lies
Genres: Fiction
Marcel found he had his own troop close on his heels. “We’re coming with you,” said Dominic, keeping up as best he could.
“Maybe you two should race as well,” said Marcel. “To tell you the truth, I don’t know if I’ve ever ridden before.”
They stopped in their tracks, staring at him dumbfounded. “Well, you’re about to find out, then,” Hugh commented drily.
They dragged open the heavy door of the stables and crammed inside. Fergus headed the march past the stalls. “I’ll take this one,” he said al
...most instantly.
Marcel was not surprised when he led out the splendid chestnut stallion and began to strap a saddle on to its back.
Then it was Marcel’s turn. Forget the lame horse and the dispirited one, he thought, and no plough horse was going to win him this race. That left only the dappled mare.
At least she looks up to a race, he thought, as he took her outside to where Hugh and Dominic waited with the saddle. Fergus was standing ready beside his chestnut mount, but each time Marcel and his friends tried to heave the saddle on to their horse’s back she shimmied sideways.

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