The Blazing Star

Cover The Blazing Star
Genres: Fiction

I finished this book during the 36 Hour Unplugged assignment for my Religious Studies class so I had to write the draft for this review :(
While I think this is a solid addition to the Dawn of the Clans arc, I did have some issues with it. Great character development makes up for it though.
(Spoilers beyond this point)
I wish the cats had found out about the Blazing Star's healing properties by themselves instead of having Star Flower tell them. Star Flower's character just annoys me. She's w


ay too sweet. Also, I think the battle scene was over too quickly, though I did like the clever ambushes each side came up with.
One Eye is an asshole. I hate him even more than I hate Mike, a real-life cat who lives in our house and bullies my poor cat Lenny every time I leave for like two minutes. One Eye made me feel sorry for Tom of all cats! But some good came out of him: his coup led to Clear Sky's redemption arc. He's a great love-to-hate villain, and it's good to see Clear Sky brought down a peg.
It was great to see the "Clan" cats bury One Eye after they killed him, though I'm not quite sure why actually killed him. Regardless, burying him and allowing Star Flower to grieve was a great gesture of mercy and diplomacy.
River Ripple is becoming a feline ex machina. Well, he always was, but now even more so. Hopefully when the proto-Clans are more unified he'll be more present and stop just showing up whenever it's convenient.
Regardless of these flaws, I still enjoyed the book for the excellent character development of a great many characters.


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User Reviews:

Guest 6 years ago

It's not fair for Gray Wing that Turtle Tail died. He lost so much; Clear Sky, Storm, Quiet Rain, Shaded Moss, now Turtle Tail.

morgan.h 6 years ago

finally, a website that isn't blocked at school!!!! :)

Adam Combes 6 years ago

To be honest the whole series of worrier cats is good

Wonder if they will make worrier dogs xD

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

really good! I am currently unable to get books from anywhere, so when I found these, I was super happy! these books are amazing and I recommend them to anybody willing to give them a try!

Guest 7 years ago

I've been reading warrior books from my local library, but for some reason, this book wasn't available, so when I found it online, I was so happy, overall, great book

Guest 6 years ago

i love reading warrior books

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 7 years ago

this book has really small type on my computer

Guest 6 years ago

same I wish it was bigger

Adam Combes 6 years ago

Yea same but you can zoom in i think i was in google so i can

Guest 7 years ago

wow good book I like the part when it has the bonus scene great book overall 10\10

Guest 7 years ago


Guest 7 years ago

i can put 7 hotdogs in my butt at a time

Guest 6 years ago

Was that necessary????? O.O

Adam Combes 6 years ago

Really now. Nobody cares.
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