The Binding Stone (The Dragon Below, book 1)

Cover The Binding Stone (The Dragon Below, book 1)
Genres: Fiction
"He'll do it," he said.
Singe's hollow belly shrank even further. He felt Ashi's hand, still on his arm tighten sharply.
Dah'mir swept his arms wide, his voice full of a terrible joy. "A spectacle!" he declared. "Here before the mound. To celebrate my return!" "Varda!" shouted Breff, translating for the Bonetree. "Varda su teith e harano!" Those were words Singe knew. The younger hunters had used them as easily as they drew weapons. A fight! A fight for blood and honor! He watched matching smil break across the faces of the Bonetree hunters. Their arms punched the air and their voices rose enthusiastically.
Dah'mir looked back to Hruucan. "Will tonight be soon enough for you, Hruucan?" he asked, The dolgaunt bent again. "I welcome the sunset!" His tentacles quivered as if in anticipation.
"Excellent!" Dah'mir looked to Ashi. "You've taken care of these two admirably, Ashi," he said, "but you can relax now. They aren't going anywhere." His charming smile broadened but it didn't seem to Singe that Ashi relaxed at all.

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