The Best Laid Plans

Cover The Best Laid Plans
Genres: Fiction
D. ANGUS McLINTOCKMember of Parliament for/Député deCUMBERLAND-PRESC Only the House of Commons would employ a commercial artist whose raison d’être was hand-stenciling the names of MPs in gold-fleck paint on the front doors of their offices. I watched as he worked meticulously to finish the final O-T-T as if it somehow confirmed as real what I’d hoped might be some particularly cruel nightmare. The irony was painful. I felt like the sad-sack inmate who had tunneled out of his cell only to misca...lculate and surface in the gas chamber. Just a few short months earlier, I’d very nearly made a clean escape. Yet here I was, back on Parliament Hill, atop my own personal pyre of politics.
While a weak and distant little whisper in my head argued for abandoning Angus and seeking political refugee status at the university, the whisper was quickly drowned out by a sanctimonious, annoying voice, delivering a will-sapping refrain of “do the right thing.” Shit. I knew what I had to do. I just wondered what it would be like to flirt with being a jerk for once.

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