The Alchemical Detective (Riga Hayworth)

Cover The Alchemical Detective (Riga Hayworth)
Then she heard Donovan, already up and moving about the bathroom; it was around five A.M., then.  She slipped out of bed and dug her black notebook from her leather bag, recording the dream.  Riga had never dreamed an entire tarot spread before, and wanted to remember it.She tied her hair into a pony tail and slipped into soft, gray sweat pants and a thin plum-colored microfiber jacket.  Riga ran through her Tai Chi form on the balcony, enjoying the sight of the sun cresting the mountains, the lake alight.  But dark clouds massed on the horizon.  When she finished and went inside, her skin felt like ice, but her blood was pumping.She went to the study, seated herself cross-legged upon the floor, and with a whisper of energy, called for Sarah Glass.  The ghost didn’t come.  Riga frowned, called again.  Nothing.  A year ago, if a ghost didn’t respond to her call she would have assumed it had crossed-over.  Her ability to interact with spirits had seemed unchanged, but now she was riddled by doubt.  She needed to fix herself.  Soon.Riga went to the bedroom and hefted the alchemical texts from her bag, taking them to the kitchen  and laying them out on the table by the window.  Soon she was entranced by the material, taking notes on a yellow pad that lay beside her elbow.He, therefore, that would attain this Essence, must by Art turn his gold into dust, and make it resolve into a mineral water, which circulate with a good fire until the moisture being dried up it becomes fixed; this must then be often imbibed and re-congealed, thereby, as it were, sealing up the infant in its mother's womb, which feed so long until it obtains strength sufficient to overcome all its sturdy opposites: then being fermented, it must so long abide the doom of iterated blackness until the Natures rot and die, which then be sure to revivify, sublimate, and exalt, and again make it return to the earth, where you should let it stand in heat so long until its blackness is turned into the purest white; the King being then placed upon his Royal Seal, will shine like the sparkling flame, and the hidden stone which we call our sulphur.MoreLess

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