Tales of Jack the Ripper

Cover Tales of Jack the Ripper
He hadn’t always used opium, but he like so many others had developed a taste for it while in Afghanistan. His occasional use continued after he came home to London and found employment with the Yard, but never while on duty, and only in moderation. It killed the pain, dulled the memories of the things he had done in the war, and made being a civilian more tolerable.
All that changed after he botched a case; when he couldn’t see what was, in retrospect, quite plain. Who would have thought that the events of what became known as The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde would have destroyed his career. How he had missed the obvious; after years of soldiering, of hunting and tracking, was inexplicable. Afterwards, there were reprimands and a review board. His use of opium and prostitutes came out. That he was fond of young men who could stand the lash seemed particularly troublesome. So was his war record; the incident in Dewangiri, for which he had received a commendation, was being
Tales of Jack the Ripper
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