Take a Chance On Me

Cover Take a Chance On Me
Genres: Fiction
The county attorney had cracked open Ivy’s office door after a quick knock and stuck his head in. “Second day and you’re already burning the midnight oil.”
DJ Teague looked and dressed like a man who should be living in a high-rise in Minneapolis and dating some supermodel, with his cocoa skin, soft brown eyes, crisp blue dress shirt, tie and jacket, after a day of meeting with county departments, preparing major cases, and defending the county from lawsuits.
Ivy leaned back in her chair and ge
...stured to the pile of manila folders stacked on her desk. “Oh, I’ll be here long past midnight, familiarizing myself with these. I have forty hearings in two days,” she said, raising an eyebrow. “How did this happen?”
On the floor, two cardboard boxes held more files, and on a bookshelf along the wall, all manner of legal reference books filled the shelves. First thing she did yesterday morning, after meeting her secretary, Nancy, and her paralegal, Jodi, was start to dig through the piles stacked on her empty desk.

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