Sweet Somethings (Samantha Sweet Mysteries)

Cover Sweet Somethings (Samantha Sweet Mysteries)
Genres: Fiction
When she’d first heard of Taos’s Sweet Somethings chocolate festival she envisioned a lovely park-like atmosphere, with colorful booths displaying masses of delectable chocolates, maybe Willie Wonka music setting the tone—something no one from three counties would be able to resist. What she’d gotten was last-minute responsibility for a committee that was operating weeks behind schedule.
An acquaintance of Sam’s had recommended that she become involved and Sarah Williams, the poor lady who’d le
...t everything fall behind, had leaped at the suggestion with all the gusto a four-foot tall-woman with a bad hip could manage. Sarah was a dear older lady and they had become friends during the past few weeks—she was just not much of an organizer. When she practically begged Sam to take over, it hadn’t been the lure of the festival that persuaded Sam to do it; the real reason was something else entirely, Sarah’s connection to an old woman Sam had met only once and a carved wooden box with mystical powers.MoreLess

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