Survivor: 1

Cover Survivor: 1
Genres: Fiction
F. Gonzalez @page { margin-bottom: 5.000000pt; margin-top: 5.000000pt; } SevenThe three nights and two days Brad Miller spent in the Ventura County slammer were the longest of his life.Fueled by his anger over the initial road rage incident that sparked his incarceration, he got little sleep that first night, and when he found out that Lisa was missing, his nerves went on a frenzy. He continually paced the length of his cell while his mother stood by, helpless as he drove himself deeper and deeper into worry. "I don't like this, Mom, this just isn't like her, I don't like this, why aren't they doing anything!" That first day, Frank Miller succeeded in getting ahold of Officer Chris Lansing, the patrol officer who had placed Brad in custody Friday. When he told Officer Lansing that Lisa was now missing from her motel room, with no clue as to where she could have gone, Officer Lansing grew concerned. "And Brad hasn't seen her since his arrest?""That's right," Frank had said. He had corn...ered the officer as he strolled in to begin his two-to-midnight shift.MoreLess
Survivor: 1
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