Sunny Says

Cover Sunny Says
Genres: Fiction
For the third time in the past two weeks, Sunny Larkin kicked off her high heels and climbed out onto the window ledge.
“Hang on, Hulon,” she yelled to the anchorman who sat hunched against the concrete embrasure a few feet away. “I’m coming out.”
“It’s no use, Sunny. Nobody will listen to me.” He hung his head. An August breeze from Corpus Christi Bay ruffled the strands of his salt-and-pepper hairpiece, which sat slightly askew.
“Nobody cares that I’m miserable in this job. Nobody cares that
...I toss my cookies at five-forty-five every Monday through Friday.”
“Oh, Hulon, that’s not true.”
Crawling on her hands and knees and trying not to look down at the parking lot four floors below, Sunny swallowed back her anxiety and inched her way toward the middle-aged man in the green polka-dot tie. The breeze billowed her skirt, and the rough surface of the concrete molding abraded her knee-caps. She felt a run on her panty hose pop and slither along her leg.
Behind her in the KRIP-TV newsroom, phones rang, teletypes clacked, printers spit out stories, prebroadcast conversation hummed, and business went on as usual.

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