
Cover Stormbreaker
Genres: Fiction
He had spent the night handcuffed to a radiator in a small dark room with a single barred window. It might once have been a coal cellar. When Alex opened his eyes, the gray first light of the morning was just creeping in. He opened them and closed them again. His head was thumping and the side of his face was swollen where Mr. Grin had hit him. His arms were twisted behind him and the tendons in his shoulder were on fire. But worse than all this was his sense of failure. It was April 1, the day... when the Stormbreakers would be unleashed. And Alex was helpless. He had let down M16, his uncle-and himself.
    It was just before nine o'clock when the door opened and two guards came in with Mr. Grin behind them. The handcuffs were unlocked and Alex was forced to his feet. Then, with a guard holding him on each side, he was marched out of the room and up a flight of stairs. He was still in Sayle's house. The stairs led up to the hall with its huge painting of Judgment Day.

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Guest 3 years ago

really good book!! i read this at school, just leaving a review for some people! totally reccomend, one of my all-time favrioutes.

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