Storm Front

Cover Storm Front
Series: The Dresden Files (#1)
Genres: Fiction » Fantasy

3.5 stars, listened to on audible.

This was a fun twist on the Private Dick type genre. All the elements are there, jaded PI (wizard), femme fatale, dead bodies, story elements that don't go where expected, danger, bad guys looking like good guys, good guys looking like bad guys, add in a little magic, a few demons, and a talking skull and you have this book.

The characters are interesting. The world building is excellent. Good humor. All in all a good start to what looks to be an interesting series of novels. I will definitely be checking more out.
The first 2/3rds of the book is 3 stars. The last third is 4 stars. It took some time to get going. The hook occurs early on, but there's very little interaction or conflict until later in the story. Harry Dresden goes from one crisis to another, but lacks depth as a character until we learn more about his past and his motivations. I do think it sets the stage nicely for the series. The rules and characters are all in


place. I'm looking forward to seeing what the later books reveal.

Storm Front
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Guest 6 years ago

hey guys its biggie cheese

Guest 7 years ago

I like Jim Butcher!

Guest 7 years ago

This makes me feel like a chicken nugget

Guest 7 years ago

This book is really good and all u high haters your dumb

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 7 years ago

i like it very much so fags

Guest 7 years ago

i like kids

Guest 7 years ago

how do you read

Guest 7 years ago

i don't know, and what did you even say

Guest 7 years ago

with my toes
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Guest 7 years ago

it sucks

Guest 7 years ago

you guys read the whole thing?

Guest 7 years ago

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Guest 7 years ago

Loved the book

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