Steelheart (2013)

Cover Steelheart
Genres: Fiction
Cody said. “Honestly, lad, I thought you were exaggerating. But y’all really are a full-blown supergeek, aren’t you?”
I blushed, still sitting on my stool. They had opened the folders I’d packed and spread out the contents, then moved on to my notebooks, passing them around and studying them. Cody had eventually lost interest and moved over to sit by me, his back to the table and elbows hitched up on it behind him.
“I had a job to do,” I said. “I decided to do it well.”
“This is impressive,” Ti
...a said. She sat cross-legged on the floor. She had changed to jeans but was still wearing her blouse and blazer, and her short red hair was still perfectly styled. Tia held up one of my notebooks. “It’s rudimentary in organization,” she said, “and doesn’t use standard classifications. But it is exhaustive.”
“There are standard classifications?” I asked.
“Several different systems,” she said. “It looks like you’ve got a few of the terms here that cross between the systems, like High Epic—though I personally prefer the tier system.

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Guest 7 years ago

I love this book. It has everything. I never read anything like it. If you read this you should read the second one "FIREFIGHT."

Guest 7 years ago


Guest 7 years ago

Great book. It definitely kept me on the edge of my seat!

Guest 7 years ago


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