Steam Guardians 01 - a Lady Can Never Be Too Curious

Cover Steam Guardians 01 - a Lady Can Never Be Too Curious
“Don’t lecture, Sophia,” Janette begged. “I get too much of that from my father. Sometimes he turns red because he won’t stop long enough to draw breath.”
    Sophia choked back a giggle. “Well, he isn’t the only one who thinks the Illuminists are uncivilized. Besides, we well-brought-up girls must be…mindful of appearances.”
    Sophia lost the battle to remain prim-looking and dissolved into laughter.
    “Their Solitary Chamber is anything but uncivilized. Look at those arches, just like the
... Romans built,” Janette remarked in a hushed tone to keep her words from drifting to where Sophia’s father was minding his shop in the front of the house. “Doesn’t it drive you simply mad to not know what goes on in there?”
    Janette leaned on the windowsill, trying to gain a glimpse of what the large building kept so secret. On the outside, it was an imposing structure more suited to ancient Greece than England.

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