State of Panic: a Post-Apocalyptic Survival Thriller

Cover State of Panic: a Post-Apocalyptic Survival Thriller
Genres: Fiction
“How did you manage to survive last night?” I asked. I was still puzzled at the fact that she had managed to escape the skinheads even though she had stayed the entire night in the same residence that some of them had slept in.
    “I told you. I hid. When they went door to door checking the rooms I pushed up the ceiling tiles and stayed there until they left.”
    “Resourceful.” I looked down at the ripped jeans. “You should probably take them off.”
    “I bet you would like that, wouldn’t you
    I smirked. “I didn’t mean it like that. Besides that’s the last thing on my mind.”
    I turned my eyes away from her and went over to the window thinking I heard something outside. A wind blew the leaves. I thought I saw movement in the tree line but there was nothing.
    “We should really go back.”

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Guest 4 years ago

The book was awesome.....left me with hope we never have to face that ....but I hope we would all join together and do what has to be done...........

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