Star Wars Journal - Hero for Hire By Han Solo

Cover Star Wars Journal - Hero for Hire By Han Solo
If what you want is a historical record, I suspect it has more to do with the Rebel Alliance than with just this scoundrel’s adventures, as fascinating as they might be. So I’ll start with right before I met old Ben and the kid.
    I’m a smuggler. Might as well set you straight on that right away. Don’t want you thinking I’m some kind of dedicated Alliance hero. I’ll own up to my past.
    Sai’da: The smuggling is behind you now?
    Han: I don’t know. It’s starting to look that way.
...y, back before I met up with my current Rebel pals I was too busy trying to keep the Millennium Falcon and Chewie and me afloat, moneywise, to give a lot of thought to the Rebel Alliance. The Falcon takes some major upkeep because she’s the fastest ship in the galaxy, and that isn’t braggin’. Ever since I won her in a—shall we say—game of chance, I’ve tried to do good by her. You don’t come by a ship like her very often.MoreLess

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