Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Saving Sarah (Kindle Worlds Novella) (New Orleans Connection Series book 7)

Cover Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Saving Sarah (Kindle Worlds Novella) (New Orleans Connection Series book 7)
"I told Remy we'd meet up with him.  Guy's brilliant and he's got those cop credentials so people might talk to him where they won't talk to us."  "Good idea."  She slid her phone into her purse, wanting to leave, get out on the streets.  Do something.  Anything was better than standing still and thinking about what Anna might be going through, what she was dealing with.  Her imagination took her to some really dark places.  Being a romance writer, she desperately fought against thinking worst ...case scenarios.  That was fine for fiction—but not for her baby sister.  No, Anna would have a happy ending and come home, where no matter what happened, they'd love her and help her through it—no questions, no recriminations.  As long as she was safe.
    "We're meeting Remy at Café Du Monde in about twenty minutes.  From there, we'll make plans on our next move."  He held out his hand and she looked at it for a long second before sliding hers into it.  He squeezed her fingers gently, and quietly led her from the hotel room.  Within minutes, they'd stepped out of the lobby and onto the street, with people milling around, going about their daily business, and she wanted to scream to the heavens about the unfairness of life.  Anna was sweet and kind and caring.  She didn't deserve to go missing, with nobody knowing whether she was alive or… "Stop it.  We're not out of options yet.  We will find Anna."  Ranger squeezed her hand again, and she felt warmth creep into her face.  This was so wrong.  She felt like a schoolgirl going out for a soda with her first boyfriend, while her sister was heaven knew where or what kind of danger she might be in.  So why did it feel so right to have Ranger by her side?  "It's not too far if you'd like to walk, or we can catch a cab."  "Walking's good."  Maybe a brisk stroll into Vieux Carré or The French Quarter would clear her mind and wash away the stench of her ugly thoughts.  The hotel she'd chosen wasn't in the official Quarter itself, but outside, and catered to the tourists that flocked the city streets.  It was in a nice enough neighborhood that she felt safe, especially with Ranger by her side.  As they walked, she took in the beauty of the surrounding city.  She'd barely stopped for breath in her whirlwind course of finding her missing sister, not even to take in the sights and sounds and scents of one of the most beautiful cities in the world.  "She's magnificent, my French beauty."  Ranger pointed toward a long wrought-iron fence, covered with bougainvillea blossoms, their brilliant reddish-pink color striking against the metal's aged patina.  Brand new shops stood alongside decades' old businesses, proclaiming the once proud city was rebounding from the devastating losses Hurricane Katrina left in her wake.  Yet the people and the places survived and thrived, never once giving up on their heritage.  And it showed in the colorful awnings, the brightly painted doorways, and window boxes along the streets.  With a hand on her elbow, Ranger led her down one side street after another, pointing out places and things she might have otherwise missed.  He really did know the city and its people.  A few stopped and chatted, asking about his father, or just waved and said hello.  He was unendingly polite to each person, showing them a level of courtesy and respect few people managed in this day and age.  It made her look at him through a different lens.  With her writer's eye, she could picture him as a knight of old, riding forth to battle to defend hearth and home, or at the demand of his king.  She saw him as a sailor, commanding a brigantine across the stormy waves, a bulwark his men would follow to the icy depths of the sea at his orders, yet he never failed to bring his ship in safely.  He was truly a man of mystery.  One she wouldn't mind exploring to its fullest, if they got the chance—after her sister was found and brought home safely.  All too soon they'd reached Café Du Monde, with its landmark green and white striped awning, proclaiming itself proudly to its patrons.  Ranger led them to a table just inside the door, one already occupied by a dark-haired man with smiling whiskey-colored eyes.

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