Sleepwalk (2010)

Cover Sleepwalk
Genres: Fiction
It wasn’t a lingering waking, the kind of quiet emergence from sleep he usually enjoyed, reluctant to leave the comfort of his bed. Instead it was a sudden sharpening of all his senses, a tensing of his body, as if some unseen danger lurked nearby. He sat up, pushing aside the single blanket he had slept under, then rubbed at the ache in his right shoulder where his muscles had knotted from lying too long in one position.
He hadn’t slept well. He’d gone to bed early, his mind confused with ever
...ything that had happened the day before. But as he’d lain awake, he’d remembered the strange sense of peace that had come over him the night he’d sat in the kiva with his grandfather. He’d begun to picture himself there, visualizing the glowing fire and the low roof, summoning from the depths of his memory every sensation he’d seen and heard and felt.
Slowly, as he lay in his bed, that strange trancelike state had come over him once more.
He still wasn’t certain if he’d actually slept at all, for last night, in the end, had been another night spent with the spirits, and the memories of the things they had shown him were still fresh in his mind.

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