Sky the Unwanted Kitten (2012)

Cover Sky the Unwanted Kitten
Genres: Fiction
As they dashed down their road, Lucy spotted her mum in the driveway, carrying something bulky. It looked awfully like the special box that Sky had come in.     A horrible thought suddenly struck her. What if Mum had taken Sky back earlier than planned? What if Sky had already gone?     She sped ahead of Amber and Izzy, and flung herself through the gates. Her mum had put the box down on the driveway while she closed the garage door, and it was open at the top, its flaps not folded together. It was empty.     Lucy knelt down beside it and looked in, knowing it was no use, but hoping that somehow Sky was there after all, she just wasn’t looking properly. But there was no kitten. Lucy was too late. Holding the flaps of the box, Lucy started to cry.     “Lucy!” Her mum was staring at her in horror. “Lucy, what is it? Whatever’s the matter?”  Lucy was crying too hard to speak. Izzy and Amber had now caught up with her.
Sky the Unwanted Kitten
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Kittycat147258 3 years ago

The website wouldn't let me read this book. Can you please tell me how this work? I've pressed read and nothing appeared except the title page.

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