Skeleton in a Dead Space (A Kelly O'connell Mystery)

Cover Skeleton in a Dead Space (A Kelly O'connell Mystery)
Without a by-your-leave, he sat in the chair opposite my desk and said, in an almost accusing tone, “Pam Spencer has disappeared.”
“Yeah. Guys talked to her Saturday night, then yesterday, late, we went back to talk to her again. She’s checked out of the motel, left no forwarding address. I don’t suppose you know where she is?”
Was that sarcasm I heard? “As a matter of fact I do. Her sister from Plano came to get her yesterday about noon.”
“And you were involved how?”
“I went to g her because I was worried about her. Took her to Ol’ South for breakfast—she didn’t eat dinner or breakfast, and she’d had a bit too much to drink Saturday night to calm her nerves.”
“Yeah, I bet,” he said. “You got contact information for the sister?”
I dug out name, phone number, and address.
“What else do you know about your ex’s wife?”
“Nothing. I told you I didn’t think they were married. Oh, I do know they’d only been married three weeks, and this was their honeymoon.

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