Sink Or Swim

Cover Sink Or Swim
Genres: Fiction
They all start shrieking the second they see us.
    At first I think they’re making fun of our matching prison pajamas, but then I realize they’re shrieking at the sight of the prince.
    “Oh! My! Goodness!” swoons one.
    “It’s him! It’s him! It’s him!” cries another, looking like she might faint.
    Jonah and I aren’t the only ones dressed in matching outfits — the girls are all wearing white collared shirts, yellow skirts, white kneesocks, and yellow patent-leather shoes. A uniform? I gu
...ess the building is a school after all.
    “Prince Mortimer!” the third girl cries out. “Everyone is looking for you! I’m, like, so happy that you’re okay!” The girl has a mouth full of bubble gum and super-curly brown hair. Each curl looks like a Slinky.
    I wish my curls did that. I also wouldn’t mind a piece of gum. Especially since my toothbrush drowned with the rest of my suitcase.

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User Reviews:

Guest 4 years ago

It's soooooooooooo much as good! I am off for another Sarah Mlynowski's book, probably another Whatever After Series book!!!!!!

Guest 4 years ago

THIS IS SURELY AWESOME!!!!!! I want to read it for 100 times! BUT, I am off for another Whatever After Book! SUPERB! (Alice Li)

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