Silver On the Tree (2007)

Cover Silver On the Tree
Genres: Fiction
The loud wind dropped, and Simon, Bran and Barney stood motionless, astonished, listening. The music fell through the air like sunlight; a strange, haunting melody, like nothing they had ever heard before. Will sang, standing there unselfconscious and relaxed, with his hands in his pockets, his high clear choirboy’ voice singing words of a tongue none of them could recognize. They knew that this was the music of the Old Ones, shot through with an enchantment that was more than melody. The clear... voice soared through the mountains, entwining with its echoes, and listening they stood rapt, caught up out of time.
But then suddenly the song broke off in the middle of a note, and Will reeled back as if he had been struck in the face. They saw his face twisted by horror, and he threw back his head and yelled, in dreadful unboyish warning, “Jane! Jane!”
The echo threw the words back at them: “Jane … Jane!”
But before the first echo came, Bran had begun to move. He came rushing past Simon and Barney, as if flung forward by the same urgent impulse that had hold of Will.

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