Short Straw

Cover Short Straw
Genres: Fiction
So far, I have been able to reply to all of my e-mail, and I will continue to do so.If you send me an e-mail and do not receive a reply, it is because you are among an alarming number of people who have entered their e-mail address incorrectly in their mail software. I have many of my replies returned as undeliverable.Remember: e-mail, reply; snail mail, no reply.When you e-mail, please do not send attachments, as I never open these. They can take twenty minutes to download, and they often contain viruses.Please do not place me on your mailing lists for funny stories, prayers, political causes, charitable fund-raising, petitions, or sentimental claptrap. I get enough of that from people I already know. Generally speaking, when I get e-mail addressed to a large number of people, I immediately delete it without reading it.Please do not send me your ideas for a book, as I have a policy of writing only what I myself invent. If you send me story ideas, I will immediately delete them withou...t reading them.MoreLess
Short Straw
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