
Cover Shiny!
Genres: Fiction
Dick of Steel  WILL’S MOTHER had these impeccable Old World According to June Cleaver manners—it drove him bugshit.“Mom, I can pour—”“No, hon, you just sit there and relax—I’ll get the iced tea.”“But you didn’t let me clean up after—”“But I like doing dishes!”“But you worked all day!”His mother just smiled at him beatifically as he balanced on the wobbly bench at the picnic table she kept in her tiny backyard. “Oh, honey—don’t worry about it.”He gritted his teeth. It was a holdover, he knew, the days before she owned her own business, when his dad was alive. In those days she’d gone and worked full days for an insurance company and then come home and taken him to whatever sorry excuse for an extracurricular activity he’d been trying that year, and then come home and made dinner while his father pouted in the living room with the news. Will had been their only child, and they’d gotten married right out of college, and the whole sexual revolution seemed to have passed his parents right by.Will sighed and leaned over the table with the blue checked plastic tablecloth and tried not to surmise if it was tree dander or animal dander sticking to the spot in front of him.“So,”MoreLess
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