She Dies At the End (November Snow #1)

Cover She Dies At the End (November Snow #1)
 Ilyn standing next to a pyre, weeping, rending his clothes.  Ilyn teaches a little boy how to fish.  Ilyn holds Savita as she cries silent tears of blood.  Ilyn runs down a long hallway, surrounded by smoke and screaming.  Ilyn helps November down into her grave.  Ilyn cries on November’s pillow.  Ilyn sings to her in the bathtub.  Ilyn on battlefield after battlefield.  Ilyn in bed with Marisha.  Ilyn marrying Nadi.   Ilyn screams, stabbed again and again.  Ilyn feeds on an endless parade of ...humans.  Ilyn gives William his blood.  Ilyn and blood.  Ilyn and death.  Ilyn and birth.  Forever.
    It was nearly an hour before the Oracle came around.  With Greg’s help, she sat up.  They had moved her to the living room during her extended vision.  Savita put a straw in her mouth, and she sucked down a full glass of orange juice.
    “Are you alright?” Pine asked.
    It occurred to November that he uttered that phrase an awful lot.

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