Shadows of the Empire (2011)

Cover Shadows of the Empire
Genres: Fiction
Darth Vader stood in the darkness staring at the breach that had been blown in the building’s wall. Night insects hummed, and the air smelled of burned insulation. He didn’t need to go inside to know that Luke was not there; if the boy was anywhere within fifty kilometers he would certainly have felt him. These bounty hunters had captured him—then they had lost him. Vader was not pleased. The commander of the stormtroopers stood nervously nearby, waiting for a command. Vader gave him such: “Bring me the highest-ranking survivor.” “At once, my lord.” The commander waved, and a squad moved into the building. Shots were exchanged. Time passed. Two troopers emerged, dragging a man between them. They brought him to where Vader stood and released him. The prisoner tottered but stayed on his feet. “Do you know who I am?” “Y-Y-Yes, Lord Vader.” “Good. Where is Skywalker?” “H-H-He escaped.” Vader clenched his fist, and the man clawed at his throat. “I know he escaped, fool.”
Shadows of the Empire
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