Shadow of a Life

Cover Shadow of a Life
Genres: Fiction
After all, I would be seeing Peter. I trudged down the stairs to where Dad stood in the kitchen, loading the dishwasher.
“Good morning, sunshine,” he greeted me.
“Mornin’, Dad,” I mumbled.
“What are your plans for the day?”
“Cam and Sophia are coming over in a little while. We’ll probably hang out somewhere.”
“Sounds fun. I need to get some paperwork done this morning and then mow the lawn this afternoon. The rain we got last week is making the grass grow like weeds.”
I sat down with a bowl of
...cereal and noticed for the first time the bouquet of brightly-colored tulips sitting in the middle of the table, reminding me it was Memorial Day. My eyes skimmed past the vase and into the living room where the urns of my father’s parents sat on the mantle of our fireplace.
They both died when I was very young and their cremated bodies had always sat in a prominent position in the living room, but I hadn’t ever really given them much thought. My mom’s parents were dead, too, but I think they were buried in Ft.

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