Shades of Shame (Semper Fi)

Cover Shades of Shame (Semper Fi)
Genres: Fiction
 Leila now had enough information about the daily workings of the office that she knew pretty much when the Senator would be there, and when he wouldn’t.  Now she waited for the moment when she would position herself to be noticed by him.She already knew she wasn’t the Senator’s standard choice in interns, as you could clearly see.  The ones he seemed to pay particular attention to were the sublime, subservient girls who would never pose a threat to him.  He flirted with all women, Leila had no...ticed that the first night she’d had dinner at his home.  But now she distinguished his normal interactions from those that were of a more sensual nature.  Lindsay Smith for instance, would never be important in his life.  Leila struggled to find a way past the invisible wall he’d firmly established between her and him.  If she couldn’t be his type, she had to find another of his interests and entice him to explore it with her.  She just needed to discover his secrets.  Her attention barely sparked with the ringing of the phone, she answered, “Leila Johnson.”“Hey Leila.  Logan here.”Great, she thought, the silver spoon himself.  “Logan.  How are you?”  It wasn’t that Logan wasn’t enticing as hell, but she was sure every sorority girl in the world was at his beck and call.  Leila had no intention of joining their ranks, she’d put him in the ‘friend’ category.“I was wondering what you were doing this weekend.”“Ohhh, geez… have a lot of research to do this weekend for the Senator’s upcoming trip to the second district.  Why?”“Well, we have a regatta this weekend, and I was hoping you would like to have dinner at the Sail Club with me on Friday night.”“I dunno, Logan.  I’ve got a lot of work, ya’ know.”  She really had no interest in Logan, or his overly lazy yacht club college friends.  Outside of being a gorgeous man, she really found no use for him.  In all honesty she’d struggled to find a use for Logan McNarry but he just wasn’t the driven type.  Regardless of what her mother thought, Leila doubted he’d ever be anything more than a trust fund baby.“I really wish you’d come.”“Your Mom and Dad put you up to this?  Logan, I don’t need a pity date.”She could hear the laughter in his voice.  “I don’t have any doubts about that, Leila.  Okay, my Mom may have mentioned that she wished we’d hang out, but I really would love it.“I don’t know Logan…”She heard his uncomfortable pose on the line, “It’s just friendly dinner Leila.”She smiled to herself.  Leila had perfected the science of making men squirm but with Logan it just didn’t hold the same appeal.  He was so damn innocent!  How in the hell had he gotten to be this secluded in his life… looking like he does?  One thing was for sure, he kept her on her toes.  One minute he was a shy puppy dog, the next she was swooning under his fierce gaze.“I’ll send a car for you at seven.  See you then!”MoreLess

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